Teeth anatomy radiopaedia

  • What is the anatomical formula of teeth?

    Crown, Root and Neck:
    The tooth has two anatomical parts, the crown and the root.
    The crown is the top part that is exposed and visible above the gum (gingiva).
    It is covered with enamel, which protects the underlying dentine.
    The root of a tooth descends below the gum line anchoring the tooth in the mouth..

  • Each tooth has defining structures that make up its general composition.
    These main components are known as the crown, root, surfaces, cusp, cingulum, ridges, developmental groove, embrasures, and mammelons.

Where does a tooth sit?

The tooth sits in alveolar processes of the upper jaw ( maxilla) or lower jaw ( mandible )

Each tooth is mainly composed of dentin and is made up of several parts 1-3: The periodontal ligament connects the tooth root to the underlying lamina dura, which itself is the cortical bone which lines the tooth socket

Where is the oral cavity formed?

The oral cavity formed by oral vestibule and oral cavity proper

The oral vestibule is the space between the labial and buccal mucosa anteriorly/laterally and posteriorly/medially the teeth and gingiva

Mylohyoid muscles are located at its floor 5 The roof is hard palate


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