Dental abscess radiology

  • How does periapical abscess appear on radiograph?

    Periapical radiographs are critical in evaluating the periodontal hard tissues.
    Widening of the periodontal ligaments and horizontal or vertical bone loss is often expected.
    A periapical radiolucency is usually an indication of an endodontic abscess or a combination of a periodontal and endodontic abscess..

  • How is a dental abscess diagnosed?

    A tooth that has an abscess at its root is generally sensitive to touch or pressure.
    Recommend an X-ray.
    An X-ray of the aching tooth can help identify an abscess.
    Your dentist may also use X-rays to determine whether the infection has spread, causing abscesses in other areas..

  • What are the five types of dental abscess?

    There are three types of dental abscess:

    Gingival abscess: The abscess is just in the gum tissue and does not attack the tooth or the periodontal ligament.Periodontal abscess: This begins in the supporting bone tissue structures of your teeth.Periapical abscess: The abscess starts in the soft pulp of the tooth..

  • What is a dental abscess?

    A dental abscess is a build-up of pus in the teeth or gums caused by an infection.
    It needs urgent treatment by a dentist.
    A dental abscess will not go away on its own..

  • What is a periapical abscess radiographic appearance?

    Radiographically, these abscesses appear as well-circumscribed areas of radiolucency at the dental apex or along the lateral aspect of the root.
    Early acute periapical abscesses may not demonstrate any radiographic changes..

  • What is the best imaging for a dental abscess?

    CT and MRI are sensitive modalities in detecting abscess.
    Initial workup should include an x-ray of the head and neck and complete blood cell count.
    X-ray of head and neck can help identify compression or deviation of the trachea and subcutaneous air related to necrotic tissue.Feb 20, 2023.

  • What is the imaging of a tooth abscess?

    Depending on severity of abscess based on clinical presentation the following is recommended: Periapical radiography is the first level of investigation.
    It provides a localized view of the tooth and its supporting structures.
    Widening of the periodontal ligament space or a poorly defined radiolucency may be noted.Jan 22, 2019.

  • Which CT for dental abscess?

    Facial computed tomography (CT) is often performed in the emergency department as a part of the diagnostic workup for patients presenting with the signs and symptoms of dentoalveolar abscess (DA)..

  • CT and MRI are sensitive modalities in detecting abscess.
    Initial workup should include an x-ray of the head and neck and complete blood cell count.
    X-ray of head and neck can help identify compression or deviation of the trachea and subcutaneous air related to necrotic tissue.Feb 20, 2023
  • Dental caries erode the protective layers of the tooth (ie, enamel, dentin) and allow bacteria to invade the pulp, producing a pulpitis.
    Pulpitis can progress to necrosis, with bacterial invasion of the alveolar bone, causing an abscess.
  • Loss of continuity of the lamina dura at the apex of a tooth usually indicates the presence of periapical disease.
    The necrotic pulp of a nonvital tooth can cause infection that destroys periapical bone.
    The resulting radiographic appearance may be a diffuse ( Fig. 1) or well-defined ( Fig.
Jul 9, 2023Pathology. Dental caries result in damage to the tooth enamel, which allows bacteria access to the dental pulp. From here the infection spreads 
Jul 9, 2023Periapical abscessOro-antral fistulaDental abscessDental abscessDental abscess with soft tissue phlegmonDental infection 


Dental caries result in damage to the tooth enamel, which allows bacteria access to the dental pulp

Radiographic Features

Early dental abscesses, within the first ten days, may not have any radiographic features 3,4. 1. well-defined lucency at or distal to the root apex

Treatment and Prognosis

Some dental abscesses will spontaneously resolve but dental surgery and antibiotics are generally required 1,4

Do dental abscesses have radiographic features?

Early dental abscesses, within the first ten days, may not have any radiographic features 3,4

well-defined lucency at or distal to the root apex, usually <10 mm with or without surrounding (<22 mm) sclerosis 2-4 Some dental abscesses will spontaneously resolve but dental surgery and antibiotics are generally required 1,4

How is a dental abscess treated?

Surgical management of a dental abscess can include root canal or tooth extraction

If there is a periapical dental abscess, it may require incision and drainage

Incision and drainage can be performed in the emergency department or the clinic but must be followed up by a dentist

What happens if you get a dental abscess?

Dental caries result in damage to the tooth enamel, which allows bacteria access to the dental pulp

From here the infection spreads down the root canal and out of the apical foramen where abscess formation occurs 2,4

Early dental abscesses, within the first ten days, may not have any radiographic features 3,4

An X-ray of the aching tooth can help identify an abscess. Your dentist may also use X-rays to determine whether the infection has spread, causing abscesses in other areas. Recommend a computed tomography (CT) scan. If the infection has spread to other areas within your neck, a CT scan may be used to see how severe the infection is.Early dental abscesses, within the first ten days, may not have any radiographic features 3,4. Plain radiograph / OPG and CT well-defined lucency at or distal to the root apex, usually <10 mm with or without surrounding (<22 mm) sclerosis 2-4 the tooth or teeth involved often show signs of caries

Deep neck abscess

A parapharyngeal abscess is a deep neck space abscess of the parapharyngeal space, which is lateral to the superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle and medial to the masseter muscle.
This space is divided by the styloid process into anterior and posterior compartments.
The posterior compartment contains the carotid artery, internal jugular vein, and many nerves.


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