Dental radiology errors

  • Are dental radiographs accurate?

    Technical errors are those related to the creation of the radiographic image and include: number and type of radiographic views, patient positioning, parameter selection, inappropriate use of collimation and grids, processing errors, and other image artifacts (such as, fog, extraneous objects)..

  • How accurate are dental radiographs?

    The factors that can affect the quality of radiographic images depend on:

    • How the image was taken (radiographic technique)• What image receptor was used (film or digital)• How the visual image was created..

  • What are some of the most common errors in dental radiography?

    Definition : An artifact is a structure or an appearance that is not normally present on the radiograph and is produced by artificial means.
    Radiographic errors may be due to technical errors [ errors related to the technique of. taking the radiograph] or processing errors [related to all aspects of processing].

  • What are some of the most common errors in dental radiography?

    The causes include improper exposure factor settings or improper assessment of patient size and stature.
    When using digital image receptors, the density can be adjusted by specific density enhancement features of the computer software program..

  • What are the causes of faulty in dental imaging?

    Caries detection determined by dental radiographs is highly accurate for proximal lesions and dentine caries lesions.
    For initial carious lesions the test needs to be used with other more sensitive methods in populations that present with high caries risk..

  • What are the causes of faulty in dental imaging?

    The pooled sensitivity for detecting any kind of occlusal carious lesions was 0.35 (95% CI : 0.31/40) and 0.41 (0.39/0.44) in clinical and in vitro studies respectively while the pooled specificity was 0.78 (0.73/0.83) and 0.70 (0.76/0.84)..

  • What is a radiographic error?

    The causes include improper exposure factor settings or improper assessment of patient size and stature.
    When using digital image receptors, the density can be adjusted by specific density enhancement features of the computer software program..

Often the error is caused by the x-ray beam being perpendicular to the long axis of the teeth, rather than bisecting the angle between the teeth and the receptor. Foreshortening or shortening of the teeth and the surrounding structures can also result from improper vertical angulation.
Technique Errors
  • Inadequate Coverage/Missing Apices. A common receptor placement error is inadequate coverage of the area to be examined radiographically.
  • Tilted Occlusal Plane.
  • Backward Placement.
  • Bending.
  • Elongation.
  • Horizontal Alignment Errors.
  • Beam Centering Errors.

Do radiographic errors lead to unwanted radiation exposure?

Radiographic err ors lead to and unwanted radiation exposure

The w astage of radiographic improve medical facilities in the hospital

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What are some errors in Oral Radiology?

Oral radiology Principles and interpretation St Louis: Mosby; 2014

Errors and artefacts in dentomaxillofacial include positioning errors in intraoral techniques, panoramic radiography, cephalometric radiography, incorrect handling of X-ray films in analogue radiography, incorrect chemical processing of X-ray films in analogue

Why are there more errors in panoramic radiographs of permanent dentitions?

More errors were prevalent in panoramic radiographs of permanent dentitions

Properly positioning the patient is the most important factor in preventing a cascade of errors


Introduction Panoramic radiographs have long been one of the most common means for imaging dental structures among dentists due to their many advantages [ 1, 2 ]

Asha et al. conducted a review of 560 digital panoramic radiographs in 2018. 21 They found the most common errors in order by percentage of occurrence were: 1. Chin tipped too high, 2. Head twisted, 3. Chin tipped too low, 4. Head too far backward, 5. Tongue not on palate, 6. Slump spine, and 7. Head too far forward. 21Errors in machine operation:  Excessive milliamperage  Excessive kilovoltage  Excessive time  Film_ source distance too short processing errors:  Accidental exposure to light  Inadequate fixation  High developer temp.  High developer conc.  High developing time

Cervical burnout or blackening of the neck of the tooth can happen in overexposure. Technical errors can occur at any stage in dental radiology. This can be due to film placement, patient positioning, angle of the x-ray beam, exposure, processing, storage or any combinations of the above.

Among these errors, the most common are: releasing the exposure button temporarily (not possible with newer machines), changing the exposure setting during exposure, or not having the cassette properly inserted into the machine. Cassettes should be inserted with the smooth, flat side facing the X-ray tube.


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