Landmarks in dental radiology

  • Why are landmarks important in radiography?

    Knowledge of the location and normal appearances of these landmarks is important in identification and orientation of radiographs.
    This knowledge is valuable to the dental officer in determining whether the area is normal or abnormal. degrees of radiopacity..

  • These surface landmarks enable the radiographer to obtain radiographs of optimal quality consistently for a wide variety of body types.
    If surface landmarks are not used for radiographic positioning or if they are used incorrectly, the chance of having to repeat the radiograph greatly increases.
Nasal FossaVertically OblongCentral Incisor Lateral Incisor CanineNasal SeptumVertical BandCentral IncisorPterygoid PlatesWing of BoneMolarZygomatic BoneQuadrangular-shapedPremolar / MolarSummary of Maxillary Landmarks - Intraoral Radiographic › Home › Continuing Education › CE601About Featured Snippets

What is a mandibular landmark?

This mandibular landmark is typically observed in extraoral images

Anterior periapical x-ray images often will capture a portion of the inferior aspect of the nasal fossa

Its presence or absence will vary greatly depending on the extent of the vertical angulation

Interpretation of abnormalities requires a thorough knowledge of normal anatomy


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