Dentistry xerostomia

  • What are 2 causes of xerostomia?

    There are numerous causes of xerostomia; the most common cause is medication side effects, followed by Sjogren syndrome (SS) and radiotherapy and other autoimmune diseases in no particular order.Mar 24, 2023.

  • What causes xerostomia dental?

    Causes of dry mouth can include toxicity from chemotherapy, head and neck radiotherapy, medication intake, autoimmune diseases (e.g., Sj\xf6gren disease), or other conditions (e.g., uncontrolled diabetes, infections, hormonal changes).Apr 24, 2023.

  • What do dentists do about dry mouth?

    Treating dry mouth
    They may prescribe a fluoride treatment to use at home and administer topical fluoride treatments in the office.
    They may also encourage you to use xylitol gum or antifungal or antibacterial mouthwashes.
    In some cases, it may be necessary to perform X-rays regularly to keep an eye on dental decay..

  • What is the cause of xerostomia?

    There are numerous causes of xerostomia; the most common cause is medication side effects, followed by Sjogren syndrome (SS) and radiotherapy and other autoimmune diseases in no particular order..

  • What is xerostomia in denture wearers?

    Many people that wear dentures suffer from a condition called “dry mouth”, also known as Xerostomia, which can be uncomfortable and affect a denture wearer's ability to function with their denture.
    Dry mouth may lead to loose dentures, irritations, sores, and possible infections for denture wearers..

  • An ENT specialist can help figure out the cause of the dry mouth and see if the salivary glands are producing enough saliva.
    Lab work and potentially a minor salivary gland biopsy to evaluate for Sjogren's disease may be recommended.
  • Pathophysiology of Xerostomia
    Stimulation of the oral mucosa signals the salivatory nuclei in the medulla, triggering an efferent response.
    The efferent nerve impulses release acetylcholine at salivary gland nerve terminals, activating muscarinic receptors (M3), which increase saliva production and flow.
  • Red flags.
    The following findings are of particular concern: Extensive tooth decay.
    Concomitant dry eyes, dry skin, rash, or joint pain.
Apr 24, 2023Xerostomia may be alleviated by use of saliva substitutes and other interventions (e.g., chewing sugar-free gum).
Dry mouth, also called xerostomia (ZEER-oh-STOH-mee-ah), is the condition of not having enough saliva to keep the mouth wet. Dry mouth can happen to anyone occasionally—for example, when nervous or stressed. However, when dry mouth persists, it can make chewing, swallowing, and even talking difficult.

Can xerostomia cause dry mouth?

But chronic dry mouth (when your mouth is dry all the time) could point to an underlying health condition.
Most often, xerostomia is a side effect of certain medications, including:

  1. antihistamines
  2. decongestants and some antidepressants

How common is xerostomia (dry mouth).
Dry mouth is common, affecting about 1 in 5 people.

Diagnosis and Tests

How can a dentist tell if you have dry mouth?


How do you know if you have xerostomia?

The hallmark symptom of xerostomia is a feeling of stickiness in your mouth due to a lack of saliva.
When you speak, it might feel like your tongue sticks to the roof of your mouth.
Bad breath.
Constant sore throat.
Difficulty eating, speaking or swallowing.
Dry feeling in your nose.


Living With

When should I see my healthcare provider?


Management and Treatment

How do healthcare providers treat xerostomia (dry mouth)?


Outlook / Prognosis

Does xerostomia go away?



Dry mouth can occasionally happen if you’re dehydrated or feeling particularly anxious.
But when your mouth is dry all the time (xerostomia), it could point to an underlying health condition.
Certain medications can also cause it.
Left untreated, xerostomia makes you more vulnerable to tooth decay, gum disease and other dental issues.



Can I prevent xerostomia (dry mouth)?


Symptoms and Causes

What are the symptoms of xerostomia (dry mouth)?


What is xerostomia & how is it treated?

Xerostomia is an uncomfortable condition and a common oral complaint for which patients may seek relief from dental practitioners.
Complications of xerostomia include:

  1. dental caries
  2. candidiasis or difficulty with the use of dentures

The clinician needs to identify the possible cause (s) and provide the patient with appropriate treatment.

What is xerostomia induced dental caries?

Xerostomia-induced dental caries are evident along the gingival margin on exposed lingual and buccal root surfaces, at and underneath crown margins, and in root furcations.
Caries can lead to extensive tooth destruction and loss.
Increased biofilm acidity also contributes to dentinal hypersensitivity.

Dentistry xerostomia
Dentistry xerostomia

Medical condition

Xerostomia, also known as dry mouth, is dryness in the mouth, which may be associated with a change in the composition of saliva, or reduced salivary flow, or have no identifiable cause.


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