Dermatology descriptive terms

  • How do dermatologists describe lesions?

    A lesion is any single area of altered skin.
    It may be solitary or multiple.
    A rash is a widespread eruption of lesions.
    Dermatosis is a generic term for a disease of the skin..

  • How does dermatology describe a skin lesion?

    Discrete lesions: individual lesions, clearly separated from one another (e.g. normal mole).
    Confluent lesions: lesions that appear to be merging together (e.g. urticaria).
    Linear lesions: lesions in the shape of a line (e.g. excoriations).
    Discoid lesions: coin-shaped lesions (e.g. discoid eczema, discoid lupus)..

  • How is medical terminology used by dermatologists?

    Basic dermatological terminology
    A lesion is any single area of altered skin.
    It may be solitary or multiple.
    A rash is a widespread eruption of lesions (greater than 20 lesions).
    Dermatosis simply means skin disease.Jan 7, 2022.

  • What are the 5 characteristic descriptions of rashes?

    When describing a rash there are many characteristics to make note of, including its primary morphology, secondary morphology, demarcation, colour, configuration, and distribution..

  • What does dermatology describe?

    Dermatology is the branch of medicine dealing with the skin.
    It is a speciality with both medical and surgical aspects.
    A dermatologist is a specialist medical doctor who manages diseases related to skin, hair, nails, and some cosmetic problems..

  • What is the medical description of the skin?

    Skin is the largest organ in the body and covers the body's entire external surface.
    It is made up of three layers, the epidermis, dermis, and the hypodermis, all three of which vary significantly in their anatomy and function..

  • What is the term for dermatology?

    Dermatology: 1.
    The branch of medicine concerned with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases of the skin, hair, nails, oral cavity and genitals. 2.
    Sometimes also, cosmetic care and enhancement.
    Dermatology is literally the study of the skin..

  • Dermatitis - Dermat (root) and -itis (suffix) inflammation; condition of inflamed skin.
    Dermatology - Demart (root) and -ology (suffix) branch of knowledge or science; medical specialty of diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases.
  • Skin is the largest organ in the body and covers the body's entire external surface.
    It is made up of three layers, the epidermis, dermis, and the hypodermis, all three of which vary significantly in their anatomy and function.
Describing skin conditions When examining the skin, a dermatologist assesses distribution, morphology and arrangement of skin lesions: their number, size, and 
Descriptive terms for scale include: Desquamation (skin coming off in scales) Psoriasiform (large white or silver flakes)

Describing Skin Conditions

1. A lesionis any single area of altered skin. It may be solitary or multiple. 2

Structure of The Skin

The skin is considered to have three parts: the outer epidermis, middle dermis and deep subcutaneous tissue


Distribution refers to how the skin lesions are scattered or spread out. Skin lesions may be isolated (solitary or single) or multiple

Configuration of Lesions

Configuration refers to the shape or outline of the skin lesions. Skin lesions are often grouped


Descriptive terms used to describe skin colour include: 1


Morphology is the form or structure of an individual skin lesion. 1. Skin lesions may be flat

Skin Surface

The skin surface of a skin lesion may be normal or smooth because the pathologicalprocess is below the surface, either dermal or subcutaneous

Secondary Changes

1. Lichenification — caused by chronic rubbing, which results in palpably t… 2

What are the basic elements of Dermatology history?

Fundamentals of Dermatology History remains ESSENTIAL to establish diagnosis – duration, treatments, prior history of skin conditions, drug use, systemic illness, etc

, etc

Historical characteristics of lesions and rashes are also key elements of the description

Painful vs painless? Pruritic? Burning sensation?

What are the descriptive terms for cutaneous lesions?

Table 1

Basic descriptive terms for cutaneous lesions

For the first four terms, secondary changes, if present, are included in the description A flat, circumscribed, nonpalpable lesion that differs in colour from the surrounding skin

What should a good dermatology exam look like?

A good dermatology exam requires a well lit room and sometimes a hand held light

Sometimes, you may need a ruler and magnifiying glass

Remember that sometimes the palpation of skin lesions can be just as important as what you see

Thickening of skin

Note the accentuation of skin lines Partial loss of epidermis

Full thickness loss of epidermis

Bulla - elevated, fluid-filled lesion, usually greater than 1 cm

  • Macule - flat lesion less than 1 cm, without elevation or depression
  • Patch - flat lesion greater than 1 cm, without elevation or depression
More itemsTerminology in dermatology Lesion A lesion is any single area of altered skin. It may be solitary or multiple. Rash A rash is a widespread eruption of lesions. Dermatosis Dermatosis is another name for for skin disease.


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