Geometry description markup language

  • What is the GDML format?

    GDML stands for Geometry Description Markup Language and is an application-indepedent geometry description format based on XML.
    It can be used as the primary geometry implementation language as well providing a geometry data exchange format for existing applications..

  • What is the GDML language?

    GDML, or Groton Data Manipulation Language, is a relational language designed to be written and read by people, like SQL.
    GDML is the original language of Interbase and still it's supported through an utility known as QLI..

  • GDML stands for Geometry Description Markup Language and is an application-indepedent geometry description format based on XML.
    It can be used as the primary geometry implementation language as well providing a geometry data exchange format for existing applications.
  • The Geometry Description Markup Language (GDML) is a specialized XML-based language designed as an application-independent persistent format for describing the detector geometries.
GDML is an XML-based, application-independent detector geometry description language designed for the purpose of sim- ulation applications as well as analysis.
Abstract—The Geometry Description Markup Language (GDML) is a specialized XML-based language designed as an application-independent persistent format for describing the geometries of detectors associated with physics measurements.

What is geometry management system (GDML)?

In the JUNO experiment, a geometry management system has been developed in offline software

The system is based on Geometry Description Markup Language (GDML) to provide consistent detector description for different applications, such as simulation, reconstruction, visualization and analysis

The Geometry Description Markup Language (GDML) is a specialized XML-based language designed as an application-independent persistent format for describing the geometries of detectors associated with physics measurements.GDML (Geometry Description Markup Language) allows to describe arbitrarily complex geometries and use them for open-source applications, e.g. such written with the help of Geant4, a popular library among paticle physicists.
The Augmented Reality Markup Language (ARML) is a data standard to describe and interact with augmented reality (AR) scenes.
It has been developed within the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) by a dedicated ARML 2.0 Standards Working Group.
ARML consists of both an XML grammar to describe the location and appearance of virtual objects in the scene, as well as ECMAScript bindings to allow dynamic access to the properties of the virtual objects, as well as event handling, and is currently published in version 2.0.
ARML focuses on visual augmented reality.


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