Descriptive statistics categorical variables stata

Descriptive statistics in stata is used when we need to learn about details of observations of variables in data, their frequencies, mean, median and variability to analyze data. The summary statistics or descriptive statistics of categorical variables can be generated in Stata quickly, making it easy to analyze data.

What is descriptive statistics in STATA for students?

Stata for Students: Descriptive Statistics This article is part of the Stata for Studentsseries

If you are new to Stata we strongly recommend reading all the articles in the Stata Basics section

Descriptive statistics give you a basic understanding one or more variables and how they relate to each other

Topics Covered in this Section
Descriptive statistics used to analyse data for a single categorical variable include frequencies, percentages, fractions and/or relative frequencies (which are simply frequencies divided by the sample size) obtained from the variable’s frequency distribution table.categorical variable because it identifies whether an observation is a member of this or that group;it is an indicator variable because it denotes the truth value of the statement “the observation is inthis group”. All indicator variables are categorical variables, but the opposite is not true.


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