Descriptive statistics with r nptel

  • How do I run summary statistics in R?

    Compute Summary Statistics in R

    1summarise_all(): apply summary functions to every columns in the data frame.2summarise_at(): apply summary functions to specific columns selected with a character vector.3summarise_if(): apply summary functions to columns selected with a predicate function that returns TRUE..

  • How to use descriptive statistics?

    Descriptive Statistics Examples

    1. Mean: Add up all the scores and divide by the number of scores
    2. Median: Arrange the scores in ascending order and find the middle value
    3. Mode: Identify the score(s) that appear(s) most frequently
    4. Range: Calculate the difference between the highest and lowest scores

  • The function summary(data_frame) returns descriptive statistics for all variables in a dataset.
    For numeric variables, the minimum, maximum, quartiles, median, and mean values are returned, for factors the frequencies of the factor levels.
    In addition, the number of missing values for both variable types is displayed.


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