Design academy eindhoven

  • What is Design Academy Eindhoven ranked in 2023?

    Rankings & ratings
    It is ranked #9 in QS WUR Ranking By Subject 2023..

  • What is the acceptance rate for Design Academy Eindhoven?

    Admission Rate
    Design Academy Eindhoven's acceptance rate range is 30-39% making this institution a very selective higher education institution..

  • What is the ranking of Design Academy Eindhoven?

    Rankings & ratings
    Design Academy Eindhoven is one of the top universities in Eindhoven, Netherlands.
    It is ranked #9 in QS WUR Ranking By Subject 2023..

  • Design Academy Eindhoven is situated in the heart of Eindhoven and occupies 10,000 m2 of the striking landmark “de Witte Dame” (the White Lady Building).
  • This is an institute where debate and difference are always welcome.
    The Academy includes over 700 students from more than 40 different countries.
Design Academy Eindhoven is an interdisciplinary educational institute for art, architecture and design in Eindhoven, Netherlands. The work of its faculty and alumni have brought it international recognition, and is widely regarded as one of the world’s leading design schools.Address: Emmasingel 14, 5611 AZ Eindhoven, NetherlandsPhone: +31 40 239 3939


Design and build
Design ausbildung
Design alphabet
Design an experiment to demonstrate hydrotropism
Design a logo
Design bundles
Design by humans
Design books
Design builder
Design background
Design bureau
Design brief generator
Design by si
Design blog
Design bedroom ideas
Design blouse
Design brief
Design border
Design crowd