Design beyond vision

  • What are the sensory experiences in museums?

    Multisensory Museum Experience
    Most museums work to make sure that galleries have neutral smells and sounds so that the visitor can focus on the artworks, but those factors can alter the experience significantly.
    All of the senses—sight, sound, touch, smell, and hearing—are a part of the museum experience..

  • What is an example of a sensory design?

    For example, landscape design with different fragrant flowers, the smell of the earth, rooms with artificial aromas, or even an open kitchen, that allows the smell of fresh food to permeate the environment..

  • Experts posit that humans have between 9 and 33 distinct senses, but most digital products ignore senses beyond sight.
    Every interaction that a user has with a product is a sensory experience.
    Sensory design aims to make the engagement of senses more intentional and multi-faceted.
Design Beyond Vision (DBV) is a design and research project by Simon Dogger and Boey wang that wants to add value to design education. It encourages to look further than what you can see. On the one hand, to make abled body students literary and figuratively feel more.

About The Exhibition

Explore experimental works and practical solutions designed to inspire wonder and new ways of accessing our world.
Wander through a scented snowstorm, play a furry instrument in a Tactile Orchestra, investigate the sonic properties of glass, and experience many more multisensory experiences from some of the world’s most creative thinkers, including.


Download The Accessible Exhibitions App

Use the free Accessible Exhibitions app to access descriptive and interpretive content in streaming text and audio formats for The Senses.
A visitor can enter a content number and choose to read the text, hear it with a screen reader, or listen to an audio recording.
The content number entry will also deliver videos and images with accompanying ver.

Design beyond vision
Design beyond vision

Motor vehicle

The Blue Bird Vision is a school bus that is manufactured and marketed by Blue Bird Corporation in North America and exported worldwide.
In production since 2003, the Vision became the first cowled-chassis bus built on a proprietary chassis designed and manufactured by the same company.
While it is sold primarily in a school bus configuration, the Blue Bird Vision is also offered with various commercial and specialty seating and design configurations.


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