Design exception report

  • How do you write an exception report?

    What Should Be in an Exception Report? All exception reports should be clear and easy to understand.
    The data should detail what happened and where the anomaly occurred, such as in what stage of the process.
    It should also note how the exception will impact the project or business..

  • What are design exceptions?

    A design exception is a documented decision to design a highway element or a segment of highway to design criteria that do no meet minimum values or ranges established for that highway or project..

  • What are exceptional reports?

    An exception report lists the documents that are missing from an organization's files.
    It can also include documents that are expired or require some other type of action.
    For a bank or credit union, exception reports are most frequently used to track loans (commercial loans in particular)..

  • What is design exception?

    A design exception is a documented decision to design a highway element or a segment of highway to design criteria that do no meet minimum values or ranges established for that highway or project..

  • An exception report is a document that states those instances in which actual performance deviated significantly from expectations, usually in a negative direction.
    The intent of the report is to focus management attention on just those areas requiring immediate action.
  • In these cases, a design exception may be considered.
    A design exception is a documented decision to design a highway element or a segment of highway to design criteria that do no meet minimum values or ranges established for that highway or project.
Apr 1, 2021Design Exception Reports (DER) must be completed for designs containing Design Exceptions. The RDN steps through key components of documenting a 
Apr 1, 2021Key Information. Design Exception Reports (DER) must be completed for designs containing Design Exceptions.

Are design exceptions approved by FHWA?

National Highway System (NHS):

  1. Design Exceptions on the NHS are approved by FHWA regardless of funding source

FHWA Arizona Division Development Guidelines Number DG-44 “Design Exceptions and NEPA Compliance” contain NEPA requirements for Design Exceptions for projects on the Interstate and NHS.

How do I submit a design exception / design variance request?

Design Exception and Design Variance requests for scoping documents prepared outside of Roadway Pre-design are to be submitted by the design engineer through the Project Manager to the Predesign Section Manager for processing.
FHWA Review and Approval:

  1. Design Exceptions

What are guidance conditions for design exceptions?

Guidance conditions are provided for Design Exceptions where they should and should not be applied.
These guidance conditions are published in guidelines such as:

  1. DoT Supplements to AGRD and RDN’s

Appendix E outlines general guidance conditions for the application of Design Exceptions based on the project type.

What is a design exception report?

Design Exception Reports (DER) This section steps the designer (or project officer acting on behalf of the designer) through the process of documenting one or multiple Design Exceptions.
This information is documented within a Design Exception Report.


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