Design tokens

  • How do you make design tokens?

    Generate tokens
    Select Get started, this will create material-theme with baseline values by default.
    Color and text styles will begin populating the right hand design panel.
    When your tokens are fully generated, your artboard will contain tonal palettes for light and dark color schemes, as well as a default type scale..

  • How do you read design tokens?

    Reading token names

    1. All token names in a design system start with the system name, such as md for Material Design
    2. An abbreviation for the token type: ref is for reference tokens; sys is for system tokens; comp is for component tokens
    3. The token name ends with a descriptive name to communicate the token's role

  • What are design tokens in Salesforce?

    Design tokens are named entities that store visual design attributes, such as margins and spacing values, font sizes and families, or hex values for colors..

  • What are Figma design tokens?

    Design tokens are small pieces of data that define the design elements of a user interface, such as colors, typography, and spacing..

  • What is a design token example?

    The most common examples are colors, typography, radii, spacing, sizing, and shadows..

  • What is the concept of design tokens?

    Design tokens represent the small, repeated design decisions that make up a design system's visual style.
    Tokens replace static values, such as hex codes for color, with self-explanatory names..

  • What is the power of design tokens?

    Design tokens help ensure consistency in design across multiple platforms and applications.
    By using a shared language for design elements such as colors, typography, and spacing, designers can create a unified look and feel for a brand or product..

  • Who invented design tokens?

    The concept of design tokens was created by Salesforce and the name coined by Jina Anee.
    As Jina puts it: “Design tokens are visual atoms of the design system — specifically, they are named entities that store visual design attributes..

  • Reading token names

    1. All token names in a design system start with the system name, such as md for Material Design
    2. An abbreviation for the token type: ref is for reference tokens; sys is for system tokens; comp is for component tokens
    3. The token name ends with a descriptive name to communicate the token's role
  • The Different Flavors of Design Tokens #
    Primitives (global tokens) are used across the system (blue-800).
    Semantic (alias tokens) reference other tokens (accent-visual-color).
    Component tokens apply to UI components (button-accent-color).
  • Themes are how we switch color schemes and styles everywhere using a single set of tokens.
    Light mode, dark mode, and high-contrast mode are all examples of theming.
    Non-color themes are also possible: think cozy/comfortable/compact views, reduced motion, or custom typography styles.
The Design Token Way
  • Designer updates a syle in a design tool.
  • A design tokens generator updates a centralized repository creating platform-specific files (JSON/YAML).
  • Engineers pull the new repo, add any new tokens, and automatically update the project's styles.
Design tokens represent the small, repeated design decisions that make up a design system's visual style. Tokens replace static values, such as hex codes for color, with self-explanatory names. A Material Design token consists of 2 parts: A code-like name, such as md. ref.
Design tokens represent the small, repeated design decisions that make up a design system's visual style. Tokens replace static values, such as hex codes for color, with self-explanatory names.
Design tokens
Design tokens

Late 18th Century token coinage in the British Isles

Conder tokens, also known as 18th-century provincial tokens, were a form of privately minted token coinage struck and used during the later part of the 18th century and the early part of the 19th century in England, Anglesey and Wales, Scotland, and Ireland.
Hard-times tokens are American large or half cent-sized

Hard-times tokens are American large or half cent-sized

Copper tokens struck in the United States during the 19th century

Hard-times tokens are American large or half cent-sized copper tokens, struck from about 1833 through 1843, serving as unofficial currency.
These privately made pieces, comprising merchant, political and satirical pieces, were used during a time of political and financial crisis in the United States.
A non-fungible token (NFT) is a unique digital identifier

A non-fungible token (NFT) is a unique digital identifier

Unique and non-interchangeable data

A non-fungible token (NFT) is a unique digital identifier that is recorded on a blockchain, and is used to certify ownership and authenticity.
It cannot be copied, substituted, or subdivided.
The ownership of an NFT is recorded in the blockchain and can be transferred by the owner, allowing NFTs to be sold and traded.
NFTs can be created by anybody, and require few or no coding skills to create.
NFTs typically contain references to digital files such as artworks, photos, videos, and audio.
Because NFTs are uniquely identifiable, they differ from cryptocurrencies, which are fungible.
TokenEx is a cloud-based data security company, headquartered in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
The company was founded in 2010 by Alex Pezold.
It provides services for coupling tokenization, encryption, and key management for ensuring secure data.
It specializes in the tokenization of sensitive customer data.
Pezold said tokenization can translate “30 million credit card numbers into 30 million tokens,” in a very short time.
The World Vision International is one of its clients using TokenEx platform.
In numismatics

In numismatics

Trade token

In numismatics, token coins or trade tokens are coin-like objects used instead of coins.
The field of token coins is part of exonumia and token coins are token money.
Their denomination is shown or implied by size, color or shape.
They are often made of cheaper metals like copper, pewter, aluminium, brass and tin, or non-metals like bakelite, leather and porcelain.


Design top
Design tote bag
Design to print
Design to cost
Design tokens figma
Design toilet
Design to value
Design to draw
Design touch
Design tools examples
Design tonic
Design towards the beginning
Towards design sociology
Towards the design of an rna replicase
Designing towards sustainability
Bioinspired design toward nanocellulose-based materials
A design towards energy and water conservation
Design of experiments towards data science
Approach towards design
Design direction meaning