Design without designer

  • Can there be a design without a designer?

    Paley's keystone claim is that “there cannot be design without a designer; contrivance, without a contriver; order, without choice;…means suitable to an end, and executing their office in accomplishing that end, without the end ever having been contemplated.” His book has chapters dedicated to the complex design of the .

  • How do you explain design to non-designers?

    How Do You Explain Design Thinking to Non-Designers?

    1. Inspiration — Connecting with people to understand their needs
    2. Ideation — Creative thinking and diverging to generate ideas
    3. Experimentation — Prototyping, making tangible, and iterating

  • What are Darwin's 3 main ideas of natural selection?

    Natural selection is an inevitable outcome of three principles: most characteristics are inherited, more offspring are produced than are able to survive, and offspring with more favorable characteristics will survive and have more offspring than those individuals with less favorable traits..

  • What is Charles Darwin famous for?

    Charles Darwin is primarily known as the architect of the theory of evolution by natural selection.
    With the publication of On the Origin of Species in 1859, he advanced a view of the development of life on earth that profoundly shaped nearly all biological and much philosophical thought which followed..

  • What is the Darwin theory?

    Darwin proposed that species can change over time, that new species come from pre-existing species, and that all species share a common ancestor.
    In this model, each species has its own unique set of heritable (genetic) differences from the common ancestor, which have accumulated gradually over very long time periods..

  • Why is design so difficult?

    Design is difficult for three fundamental reasons.
    First a perfect or best solution does not exist.
    Unlike an algebra problem, no solution is the unique correct solution.
    Instead many feasible solutions exist that possess characteristics that are better or worse than other solutions..

  • A good design can make people trust you more, alter customer perception, make you memorable, get your message across, make your product work to the fullest, and shine.
    A great one can do even more.
  • Darwin's analysis of the plants and animals he gathered led him to question how species form and change over time.
    This work convinced him of the insight that he is most famous for—natural selection.
  • Generally speaking, it is the process of envisioning and planning the creation of objects, interactive systems, buildings, vehicles, etc.
Mar 9, 2019Design Without Designers EDITOR'S NOTE: Design Without Designers is a research project conceived and developed by studio d-o-t-s during an art 
Mar 9, 2019EDITOR'S NOTE: Design Without Designers is a research project conceived and developed by studio d-o-t-s during an art residency organized by 


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