Design and analysis of algorithms assignment questions

  • What is the assignment problem in algorithm design?

    The assignment problem consists of finding, in a weighted bipartite graph, a matching of a given size, in which the sum of weights of the edges is minimum.
    If the numbers of agents and tasks are equal, then the problem is called balanced assignment.
    Otherwise, it is called unbalanced assignment..

How do you write an algorithm essay?

The body of your essay should provide the following: A description of the algorithm in English and, if helpful, pseudocode

At least one worked example or diagram to show more precisely how your algorithm works

A proof (or indication) of the correctness of the algorithm

An analysis of the running time of the algorithm

Is it possible to predict the behavior of an algorithm?

It is impossible to predict the exact behavior of an algorithm

There are too many influencing factors

The analysis is thus only an approximation; it is not perfect

More importantly, by analyzing different algorithms, we can compare them to determine the best one for our purpose


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