Assembly language program for gcd of two numbers

How to find GCD of two numbers in assembly language?

GCD of Two Numbers program in Assembly Language Write a Program to find the GCD of Two Numbers  in Assembly Language . Program should load two registers with two Numbers  and then apply the logic for GCD of two Numbers . GCD of two numbers is performed by dividing the greater number by the smaller number till the remainder is zero.

What is the GCD of two numbers?

Given two numbers a and b
The task is to find the GCD of the two numbers. Note:
GCD (Greatest Common Divisor) or HCF (Highest Common Factor) of two numbers is the largest number that divides both of them. Explanation:
The factors of 20 are 1
10 and 20. The factors of 28 are 1

What is the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two integers?

The greatest common divisor (GCD) of two integers is the largest integer that will evenly divide both integers. The GCD algorithm involves integer division in a loop
Described by the following C++ code:
Int GCD (int x
Int y) { x = abs (x); // absolute value y = abs (y); do { int n = x % y; x = y; y = n; } while (y > 0); return x; }

How do you write a GCD algorithm?

Descriptions of this algorithm are available in algebra books and on the Web. Write a main program that calls your GCD procedure five times, using the following pairs of integers: (5,20), (24,18), (11,7), (432,226), (26,13). After each procedure call, store the GCD in the memory. Follow the Microsoft R x64 calling convention.

How to find GCD of two numbers in assembly language?

GCD of Two Numbers program in Assembly Language Write a Program to find the GCD of Two Numbers  in Assembly Language . Program should load two registers with two Numbers  and then apply the logic for GCD of two Numbers . GCD of two numbers is performed by dividing the greater number by the smaller number till the remainder is zero.

How to get GCD of two 16-bit numbers?

To get the GCD of two 16-bit numbers would require to scale up the very limited DIV AB we have on 8051. It's not impossible, but I have chosen to use an algorithm that does not need division at all. We can avoid the 8051's limited division capabilities and use an algorithm that replaces modulus calculation by a series of shifts and subtractions.


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