Assembly language programming lecture notes by bilal hashmi

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So far following contributions are done by some awesome individuals:

How does the assembler assemble a program using a single label?

The assembler converts these symbols into the appropriate numbers automatically. Also observe that the effect of “dw” is to place 5 in two bytes as 0005. Had we used “db” this would have been stored as 05 in one byte. Given the fact that the assembler knows only numbers we can write the same program using a single label.

How many subroutines are written in assembly language?

We have two subroutines written in assembly language. All the techniques discussed here are applicable to code written in higher level languages as well. However the code to control this multitasking cannot be easily written in a higher level language so we write it in assembly language.

How to declare a character in assembly language?

HELLO WORLD IN ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE To declare a character in assembly language
We store its ASCII code in a byte. The assembler provides us with another syntax that doesn’t forces us to remember the ASCII code. The assembler also provides a syntax that simplifies declaration of consecutive characters
Usually called a string.

How to Run

1- Download this code and move the 'assembly_code' folder to C: directory.


Kindly don't copy them in your assignments :P


This repository provides solutions to most of the programming questions in the exercise (at the back) of chapters for Bao Ji's Book. Sharing these with you, so that they might help you in understanding the concepts.

Reference Book

The questions are taken from the book Assembly Language Programming by Bilal Hashmi and Junaid Haroon

Related Repositories

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What is assembly language programming?

Asse m bly La ngua ge Progra m m ing Le c t ure N ot e s Delivered by Belal Hashmi Compiled by Junaid Haroon ff Preface Assembly language programming develops a very basic and low level understanding of the computer. In higher level languages there is a distance between the computer and the programmer.

How does the assembler assemble a program using a single label?

The assembler converts these symbols into the appropriate numbers automatically. Also observe that the effect of “dw” is to place 5 in two bytes as 0005. Had we used “db” this would have been stored as 05 in one byte. Given the fact that the assembler knows only numbers we can write the same program using a single label.

What is assembly language programming?

Asse m bly La ngua ge Progra m m ing Le c t ure N ot e s Delivered by Belal Hashmi Compiled by Junaid Haroon ff Preface Assembly language programming develops a very basic and low level understanding of the computer. In higher level languages there is a distance between the computer and the programmer.

What is proper jump in assembly language?

In assembly language, use of proper jump is the responsibility of the programmer, to convey the intentions to use the data as signed or as unsigned. The remaining possibilities of signed descending sort and unsigned descending sort can be done on the same lines and are left as an exercise.


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