Assembly language programming of 8051

Addressing Modes

The way of accessing data is called addressing mode. The CPU can access the data in different ways by using addressing modes. The 8051 microcontrollerconsists of five addressing modes such as:.
1) Immediate Addressing Mode.
2) Register Addressing Mode.
3) Direct Addressing Mode.
4) Indirect Addressing Mode.
5) Base Index Addressing Mode Immediate Addres.

Call and Jump Instructions

The call and jump instructions are used to avoid the code replication of the program. When some specific code used more than once in different places in the program, if we mention specific name to code thenwe could use that name anywhere in the program without entering a code for every time. This reduces the complexity of the program. The 8051 prog.

How do I place program and data in the 8051 microcontroller?

In order place the Program and Data anywhere in the Address Space of the 8051 Microcontroller
You can use the ORG Directive. LJMP MAIN ; Code Memory at 0000H. Jump to MAIN. MAIN:
NOP ; Code Memory at 000BH. MAIN starts here. The DB Directive is used to define a Byte type variable.

Instruction Set

The instruction set is the structure of the controller or processor that provides commands to the controller to guide the controller for processing data. The instruction set consists of instructions, native data types, addressing modes, interrupt registers, exceptional handling and memory architecture. The 8051 microcontroller can follow CISC instr.

What is a 8051 microcontroller?

The 8051 microcontroller consists of various kinds of assembly directives to give the direction to the control unit. The most useful directives are 8051 programming, such as: ORG(origin): This directive indicates the start of the program. This is used to set the register address during assembly.

×8051 assembly programming is a way of writing code for the 8051 microcontroller, which is a low-cost, single-chip device that can be used for embedded applications. To program the 8051, you need to learn the rules of assembly language, the instruction set, and the addressing modes. You also need a programmer device, such as an Arduino, to transfer the code to the microcontroller. You can find examples of 8051 assembly code and circuit schematics online.

This is an incomplete list of assemblers:

Computer programs that translate assembly language source code into binary programs.Some assemblers are components of a compiler system for a high level language and may have limited or no usable functionality outside of the compiler system.Some assemblers are hosted on the target processor and operating system

While other assemblers (cross-assemblers) may run under an unrelated operating system or processor.For example

Assemblers for embedded systems are not usually hosted on the target system since it would not have the storage and terminal I/O to permit entry of a program from a keyboard.An assembler may have a single target processor or may have options to support multiple processor types.Very simple assemblers may lack features

  1. Such as :
  2. Macros

Present in more powerful versions.


The word computing was synonymous with counting and calculating

And the science and technology of mathematical calculations.Today

computing means using computers and other computing machines.It includes

Their operation and usage

The electrical processes carried out within the computing hardware itself

And the theoretical concepts governing them.


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