Assembly language programming viva questions

How Do You Convert from Assembly Language to Machine Code?

Ans.To convert an assembly language program into machine code, you must first compile it into an object file. This is a binary file that contains the machine code for the program. You can then use a linker to combine this object file with any libraries or other object files that are needed, and create an executable file that can be run on the compu.

What Are The Differences Between Assembly and High-Level Languages?

Ans.The main difference between assembly and high-level languages is that assembly language programs are closer to the machine code that is executed by the processor. This means that assembly language programs are typically slower and use more memory than high-level languages. Assembly language also provides more control over the hardware, which ca.

What is an assembly language?

Ans. Assembly language is a low-level programming language that uses mnemonic codes to represent machine instructions. Assembly language programs are typically written for specific processors and must be compiled into machine code before they can be executed. Explain an Intermediate language? Ans.

What should I keep in mind when coding in assembly language?

There are a few different things to keep in mind when coding in assembly language:
Make sure your code is well organized and easy to read. This will make it easier for others (and yourself) to understand what your code is doing. – Use comments liberally to explain what your code is doing.

What is assembly language?

Assembly language is a low-level programming language that provides a programmer with more control over a computer’s instructions than a high-level language. This can be useful for writing code that needs to be very efficient or for working with hardware that doesn’t have a high-level language interface. 6.

What should I keep in mind when coding in assembly language?

There are a few different things to keep in mind when coding in assembly language: – Make sure your code is well organized and easy to read. This will make it easier for others (and yourself) to understand what your code is doing. – Use comments liberally to explain what your code is doing.

This article lists notable television series produced and/or owned by past and present divisions and subsidiaries of Paramount Global.


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