Assembly language program to subtract two numbers

How can I quickly change a program to perform multiplication?

To quickly change this program so it performs multiplication change the sub bl, cl into the following: mov al, bl ;BL is 1st number mul cl ;Multiply with 2nd number, product is in AX mov bl, al ;Only use the low byte in AL Do note that the product must yield a 1-digit result in this very basic program!

How to subtract two 8 bit numbers in assembly language?

Write a Program to Subtract Two 8 Bit Numbers in Assembly Language. Program will load two numbers in two registers and then subtract those numbers from one another . It should then display final result as the output of the program . Consider that a byte of data is present in the AL register and second byte of data is present in the BL register.

What is the first step in a cascaded subtraction?

For the first number that's BH (tens) and BL (ones). And for the second number it's CH (tens) and CL (ones). The first step in the cascaded subtraction will beto subtract the 'ones'. If the result of this subtraction exceeds the range [0,9], we will have to adjust the value and propagate a borrow of 1 to the next step.

Esoteric programming language

Beatnik is a simple stack-oriented esoteric programming language

By Cliff L.Biffle.A Beatnik program consists of any sequence of English words.Each word is assigned the score one would get for it in a Scrabble game.The value of the score determines what function is performed.Functions include

Pushing the score of the next word onto the stack

Testing the stack and skipping forward or backward in the program and other stack operations.

Assembly language program to subtract two numbers
Assembly language program to subtract two numbers

Learning aid

CARDIAC (CARDboard Illustrative Aid to Computation) is a learning aid developed by David Hagelbarger and Saul Fingerman for Bell Telephone Laboratories in 1968 to teach high school students how computers work.The kit consists of an instruction manual and a die-cut cardboard computer.


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