What is assembly programming

I learned from Kip Irvine's book. If you ignore the (fair) criticisms of his (irrelevant) libraries, I can recommend it as a good introduction to t...Best answer · 119

I find it interesting that so many people jump to say that yes, you need/should learn assembly. To me the question is how much assembly do you need...58

It's worthwhile to learn lots of different languages, from lots of different paradigms. Learning Java, C++, C#, and Python doesn't count, since the...26

Knowing ASM is also useful when debugging, as sometimes all you have is "ASM dump of the error".4

Depend of which programming level you wish to reach. If you need to work with debuggers then YES. If you need to know how compilers works then YES....3

Do you have any use for it in what you plan to do? is it going to aid you in any way in what you currently do or plan to do? those are the two ques...2


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