Assembly language practice problems

Asm-1. Assembly Properties

Here’s some assembly produced by compiling a C program. (The instructions arelabeled with byte offsets for your convenience.) QUESTION ASM-1A.How many arguments might this function take? Circle allthat apply. 1. 0 2. 1 3. 2 4. 3 or more QUESTION ASM-1B.What might this function return? Circle all thatapply. 1. 0 2. 1 3. −1.
4) Its first argument, wha.

Asm-16. Calling Convention

The following questions concern valid C++ functions compiled using thenormal x86-64 calling convention. True or false? QUESTION ASM-16A.If the function’s instructions do not save and restoreany registers, then the C++ function did not call any other function. QUESTION ASM-16B. If the function’s instructions do not change the stackpointer, then the .

ASM-2. Disassembly

Here is some x86 assembly code. QUESTION ASM-2A. Write valid C code that could have compiled intothis assembly (i.e., write a C definition of function f), given theglobal variable declarations “extern unsigned a, b;.” Your C codeshould compile without warnings. QUESTION ASM-2B. Write different valid, warning-free C code thatcould have compiled into.

Why is assembly language important?

Assembly language is notable for its one-to-one correspondence between an instruction and its machine code as shown in several Listings here. Via assembly code, you can get closer to the heart of the machine, such as registers and memory. Assembly language programming often plays an important role in both academic study and industry development.


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