Assembly high level language

Why is assembly language reffered to as low level language?

Assembly is called a low-level programming language because there's (nearly) a one-to-one relationship between what it tells the computer to do
And what the computer does. In general
One line of an assembly program contains a maximum of one instruction for the computer.

How a high-level language is converted into a machine language?

A high-level language requires an interpreter/ compiler for the process of conversion. We perform the conversion of an assembly language into a machine language. We perform the conversion of a high-level language into an assembly language and then into a machine-level language for the computer.

What is an example of a large assembly language?

IBM PC DOS is a commendable example of a large assembly language of the present time. What is a High-level language? A high-level language is a machine-independent type of language.

What is the difference between high-level and assembly language?

Code of assembly language is difficult to understand and debug than a high-level. One or two statements of high-level language expand into many assembly language codes. Assembly language can communicate better than a high-level Some type of hardware actions can only be performed by assembly language.

Assembly high level language
Assembly high level language

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