68000 assembly language programming examples

What is a 68000 command?

The 68000’s Instruction Set31 Attributes:Size = byte
Longword Description:Move the contents of the source to the destination location. The data is examined as it is moved and the condition codes set accordingly. Note that this is actually a copy command because the source is not affected by the move.

Why do I need an appendix to write 68000 assembly language programs?

We have included this appendix to save you the task of having to turn to secondary material when writing 68000 assembly language programs. Since most programmers are not interested in the encoding of instructions
Details of instruction encoding have been omitted (i.e.
The actual op-code bit patterns).

What is 68000 assembly language?

It’s called 68000 Assembly Language and to start learning about it all you have to do is read on… The heart of the Amiga is a silicon chip called the central processing unit or CPU. Although various Amiga models | use different processors from the Motorola 680x0 family the basic device from this family is the unit known as the 68000 microprocessor.

Which parameter passing techniques are available to the 68000 programmer?

There are a variety of parameter passing techniques available to the 68000 programmer but the one used in our examples is that used by the Amiga’s run-time library functions -ie any values the subroutine needs are passed in microprocessor registers.


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