Is assembly language easy to learn

Do you really need Assembly?

After all
If you needed speedHardware access (including :
Direct output to monitor) or working on low powered hardware
You needed Assembly. But nowadays
In 2018
Assembly is pretty much useless except to bootstrap an OS or for compilers (and even that isn't as important as it used to be since LLVM took off).

Is Assembly a good language to learn?

Assembly language is an interesting thing:
In concept
it's simple to learn since most instructions are very easy to understand. The trick is piecing it all together and making all code paths work correctly. You learn to be very careful when writing assemblySince debugging it requires a lot of effort.

Should CS students learn assembly?

In the 80s
It was common for CS students (and anyone wanting to do "real" programming) to learn assembly. After allIf you needed speed
Hardware access (including :
Direct output to monitor) or working on low powered hardware
You needed Assembly. It has been shown that as lines of code increase performance decreases.

Why do we need assembler?

After all
If you needed speedHardware access (including :
Direct output to monitor) or working on low powered hardware

You needed Assembly. It has been shown that as lines of code increase performance decreases. As assembler programs grow there performance drops. It is hard to write big programs in low level languages.

Is it worth learning assembly?

As assembly is at the root (well, close to the root) of all languages, I for one say that it is worthwhile to learn assembly. Then again, it's worthwhile to learn a functional programming language, logic programming, scripting languages, math-based languages. You only have so much time, so you do have to pick and choose.

Should I learn assembly language first?

Especially when learning assembly language, it is always a good idea to know what you're trying do, and that means having/writing an algorithm first, and it is best if the algorithm can be tested so it is known to work, as small design changes in C can sometimes result in major changes (e.g. rewrite) in assembly.

What are the benefits of using assembly language?

The assembly language optimizes that small bit of the code that will benefit the most from performance optimization. Modern compilers give you most of the performance benefits of assembly language, without the cognitive cost.

I learned from Kip Irvine's book. If you ignore the (fair) criticisms of his (irrelevant) libraries, I can recommend it as a good introduction to t...Best answer · 119

I find it interesting that so many people jump to say that yes, you need/should learn assembly. To me the question is how much assembly do you need...58

Yes - the primary reason to learn assembly for C and C++ developers is it helps understanding what's going on under the hood of C and C++ code. It'...31

It's worthwhile to learn lots of different languages, from lots of different paradigms. Learning Java, C++, C#, and Python doesn't count, since the...26

Knowing ASM is also useful when debugging, as sometimes all you have is "ASM dump of the error".4

Depend of which programming level you wish to reach. If you need to work with debuggers then YES. If you need to know how compilers works then YES....3

Do you have any use for it in what you plan to do? is it going to aid you in any way in what you currently do or plan to do? those are the two ques...2


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