Assembly language program for palindrome

How do I know if a string is a palindrome?

An Assembly Lanuage Program to determine a given string is a palindrome. If ‘Yes’ output the message “The given string is a palindrome”. If ‘No’ output the message “No, it is not a palindrome”. – Computer Science Simplified – A Website for IGNOU MCA & BCA Students for Solved Assignments, Notes, C Programming, Algorithms –

How do I retype a username if it is a palindrome?

If that username is a palindrome (i.e., the reverse of the string is same as the original string), then it should print "Retype Username" and get input again. If not, it should print 'OK' and terminate. I have written the following code and have been unable to find fallacies in it. It would be great help if someone could point out my mistake.


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