Assembly language programming a level computer science

Code Example

To illustrate how the CPU will modify the values in the registers, we will compare two simple MIPS assembly programs to their high-level implementation code achieving the same goal. We chose the MIPS language for the sake of simplicity, but several assembly languages exist, such as Intel x86, ARM, and SPARC. First, we need to clarify that when we i.

Theory Background

The reason why we can use computers for such a variety of applications is that they are flexible and can be programmed to store and perform calculations using the Central Processing Unit (CPU) in different types of codes and paradigms.

What is assembly language in Computer Science?

Assembly language. In computer programming
Assembly language (or assembler language)
Often abbreviated asm
Is any low-level programming language in which there is a very strong correspondence between the instructions in the language and the architecture's machine code instructions. Find Computer Science textbook solutions?

Why is assembly language a low-level language?

The assembly language of a computer is a low-levellanguage
Which means that it can only be used to do the simple tasks that a computer can understand directly. In order to perform more complex tasks
One must tell the computer each of the simple tasks that are part of the complex task.


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