Assembly language program for binary to ascii conversion

How to convert binary code?

For carrying out a conversion
Select the format in which you want your binary code to convert. Then you just need to paste the binary code into the text box provided. Press the Convert buttonAnd it will instantly show you the conversion. It also lets you save the converted text to your device.

How to convert binary or hexadecimal numbers to ASCII values?

This program will convert binary or hexadecimal number to ASCII values. Write 8085 Assembly language program to convert binary or Hexadecimal characters to ASCII values. We know that the ASCII of number 00H is 30H (48D)
And ASCII of 09H is39H (57D). So all other numbers are in the range 30H to 39H.

What is the required ASCII character string?

Given a binary string str
The task is to find its equivalent ASCII character string. 01100001 = 97
ASCII value of 97 is ‘a’. 01100010 = 98
ASCII value of 98 is ‘b’. Therefore
The required ASCII character string is “ab”. Explanation:
The given binary string is not a valid string as the number of characters is not a multiple of 8.

How to convert a digit to ASCII value?

If the digit is more than or equal to 0A (in hexadecimal) then add 37 otherwise add 30 to convert into ASCII value (For checking the number is greater than or equal to A then use instruction: CPI 0A and then check the carry flag, if it is 0 then it means digit is greater than or equal to A and if 1 digit is less than A).

How to convert ASCII to binary in assembly language?

If you have not installed yet please install from Learn ASCII-Binary conversion in Assembly Language by ASCII-Gray conversion by Dividing the ASCII number by 2 until the quotient is 0 to get the Binary output.

How to convert ASCII-binary to a quotient in assembly program?

Write a Assembly program for ASCII-Binary conversion with proper output . First of all do ASCII-Gray conversion by Dividing the ASCII number by 2 until the quotient is 0 .

Because looking at the ASCII chart, the digits 0 through nine start at 0x30. So you want the ASCII value for character 1? 0x30 or 0x01 = 0x31 = ASC...Best answer · 6

If you're referring to numbers 0 through 9, the reason is that 0x30 (or 48) is the ASCII code of the number 0. Since 48 requires only bits in the...2

Look at the binary representation of a single digit: e.g. 2d = 00000010b. Apply an OR-operation with 0x30 (00110000b) to it. This results in 001100...1


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