Assembly language program for division of two numbers in 8086

How to divide 8 bit numbers using 8085 program?

Problem – Write 8085 program to divide two 8 bit numbers. Start the program by loading the HL pair registers with address of memory location. Move the data to B Register. Load the second data into accumulator. Compare the two numbers to check carry. Subtract two numbers. Increment the value of carry. Check whether the repeated subtraction is over.

How to write 8086 assembly language program to multiply two unsigned numbers?

1) To write 8086 Assembly Language Program to Multiply two unsigned number. MODEL SMALL .STACK 100 .DATA ; Data Segment to initialize the variables A DW 0FF87H ; First signed number A = (-79H) = FF87H (2'Compliment form) B DW 0FF84H ; Second signed number B = (-7CH) = FF84H (2'Compliment form) C DW ?

Which instructions are supported by 8086 microprocessor?

The following instructions are supported by 8086 microprocessor that are used to perform the division operation: The DIV instruction performs the division of two unsigned operands. The denominator resides in a source operand and it should not be immediate. However, it can be register or a memory location.


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