Assembly language program to display hello world

How to create a Hello World program in Assembly?

this is the hello world code in assembly:
Save your file as you want for an exemple hello.asm To compile it go to your working directory using CD command on windows Command Prompt then type :
Gcc -o hello.exe hello.obj

Is Assembly a low level language?

Assembly Language is a low-level programming language. It helps in understanding the programming language to machine code. In computers
There is an assembler that helps in converting the assembly code into machine code executable. Assembly language is designed to understand the instruction and provide it to machine language for further processing.

Why do we use a specific register in assembly language?

Assembly language, as any programming language, is a result of arbitrary design decisions. Sometimes there can be a reason why a specific register is used as a interrupt call input register (optimization), but many times not, and you just have to take the interface (here int 10h or int 21h) as granted.


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