Assembly language program to sort numbers in ascending order in 8085

How to sort numbers in ascending order using 8085 assembly program?

In this tutorial
We will learn how to sort numbers in ascending order using the 8085 assembly program. To understand more clearly the flowchart and algorithm discussed in the next sections. Step 1:
Load the number of values to be sorted in the A register. Step 2:
Move the 8-bit number to the B register.

Is there a bubble sort implementation based on 8080/8085 emulation?

At least 16-bit 8086 code was supported through DOS emulation on modern Windows systems up until fairly recently The following is my attempt at transcribing the simplest-possible bubble sort implementation to the 8080/8085 assembly language. First of a C implementation somewhat adapted to the 8080's pointer limitations to serve as reference:

How to sort n numbers from a block in ascending order?

Write an assembly language program of 8085 to sort the given N numbers from a block in ascending order. Assume that the memory block begins at D000H. Consider that a block of N words is present. Now we have to arrange these N words in ascending order, Let N = 4 for example. We will use HL as a pointer to point the block of N words.


Modern x86 assembly language programming source code
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