8086 assembly language programming ppt

Do I need to know the encodings for assembly language programming?

For general assembly language programming
you won’t need to know the exact encodings. HoweverAs you become more experienced with assembly language you will proba- bly want to study the encodings of the 80x86 instruction set.

What are 80x86 program control instructions?

Since compilers reduce all other languages to assembly language
It should come as no surprise that assembly language supports the instructions necessary to implement these control structures. 80x86 program control instructions belong to three groups:
unconditional transfers
Conditional transfers
And subroutine call and return instructions

What opcode byte does 8086 use?

Instructions like add

  1. Adc
  2. Sub
  3. Sbb
And many others in the 8086 instruction set use a mod-reg-r/m byte to support two operands. Unfortunately
There aren’t enough bits in the 8086’s opcode byte to support all instructions
So the 8086 uses the reg bits in the mod-reg-r/m byte as an opcode extension. For example


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