Astrophysics uiuc

Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics

Research in astrophysical fluid dynamics is dedicated to the study of gas flow problems in astrophysics requiring large-scale numerical modeling. Relevant physical phenomena include collisional and collision-less gas dynamics, magnetic fields, gravitation, radiation transport, and chemical/nuclear reactions. Applications include the origin of the m.

Cosmic Catastrophes

The implosions of massive stars and collisions of stars with stellar remnants produce spectacular explosions—supernovae, gamma-ray bursts, and more— that can now be observed using all four fundamental forces. Illinois theorists and observers embrace this multimessenger view of the cosmos to unveil physics under extreme conditions. Theoretical work .


The Cosmology Group explores the universe's content and evolution from a variety of perspectives. Theoretical work includes models of inflation and the early universe, as well as elucidating new observational signatures of fundamental physics, including the natures of dark matter and dark energy. Observations of the cosmic microwave background (CMB.

Relativistic Gravity

The Illinois Relativity Group focuses on the application of general relativity to forefront problems in relativistic gravitation. One major activity includes the development and application of analytical and numerical relativity techniques to understand the coalescence of compact objects and the emission of gravitational waves. We then use these mo.

What astrophysical experiments does Illinois do?

These include CMB experiments such as BICEP, SPT, SPIDER, and CMB-S4, as well as astrophysical experiments such as the Terahertz Intensity Mapper (TIM) and the Origins Space Telescope

Illinois contributes to a number of current ( SDSS, DES, SPT) and future ( LSST, CMB-S4, WFIRST) large-scale astrophysical surveys

What is a astrophysics major?

In the Astrophysics major, the goal is to provide an unsurpassed rigorous preparation for students

Leveraging the strengths of the departments of Astronomy and Physics, this program provides students with one of the most flexible astrophysics options in the country

Where can I study astronomy and Astrophysics at Illinois?

The Astronomy Department at Illinois, in collaboration with the Physics Department, offers graduate students in astronomy and astrophysics strong training in a wide range of areas related to science and engineering


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