Can you study astronomy without physics

Can I get a Master's in astronomy if I have an unrelated degree?

An applicant who earned an unrelated bachelor’s degree may still have a chance to get into a master’s in astronomy program if they are willing to take the extra courses needed to either earn a second bachelor’s degree in physics or satisfy prerequisite requirements.

Is astronomy a sub-discipline of Physics?

Although astronomy is a sub-discipline of physics
It can also be considered ‘applied physics’
As it applies the scientific hypotheses and basic rules of physics to further our understanding of space.
You should study astronomy if…

Can you study physics and astronomy together?

Although there are many options to study physics and astronomy together in one degree, you may prefer to focus on just one of these two closely connected fields, or choose a specialized area within one of the two

What is physics? Physics is a natural science which is concerned with the nature and properties of matter and energy

Does astronomy require a degree?

As with many careers there are ways into the field of astronomy that don’t require a degree, and you can get the knowledge and experience by learning on the job

This does often take longer though, and finding these types of opportunities can be challenging as they are not common

Is astronomy a sub-discipline of Physics?

Although astronomy is a sub-discipline of physics, it can also be considered ‘applied physics’, as it applies the scientific hypotheses and basic rules of physics to further our understanding of space

You should study astronomy if…

×While most professional astronomers have PhD degrees in astronomy, physics, or chemistry, there are jobs in astronomy which require only a bachelors or masters degree. Earning a bachelor's degree in a science-related discipline is the first step toward becoming an astronomer. Many PhD programmes allow candidates with only a bachelor's degree, while others demand both a bachelor's degree and a master's degree. It is best to be well-rounded in your studies by enrolling in a diverse range of courses.


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