Astrophysical jet formation

  • How are quasar jets formed?

    Super-massive black holes in the centers of some active galaxies create powerful jets of radiation and particles travelling close to the speed of light.
    Attracted by strong gravity, matter falls towards the central black hole as it feeds on the surrounding gas and dust..

  • How far away is the jet of a black hole?

    If confirmed, it would be the most distant supermassive black hole with a jet detected in X-rays.
    Coming from a galaxy about 12.7 billion light-years from Earth, the jet may help explain how the biggest black holes formed at a very early time in the universe's history..

  • What are astrophysical jets in physics?

    Astrophysical jets are physical conduits along which mass, momentum, energy and magnetic flux are channeled from stellar, galactic and extragalactic objects to the outer medium..

  • It can only escape through the central hole of the donut-shaped accretion disc: Two symmetrical jets form that shoot outwards, which are focused by the aforementioned "magnetic field tunnels" This mechanism would be suitable for radio galaxies; however, their jets only have a speed of about a quarter of the speed of
  • Jets associated with stars are composed of ionized gas moving away from the star with velocities of a few hundred kilometers per second.
  • Relativistic jets
    Most have been observationally associated with central black holes of some active galaxies, radio galaxies or quasars, and also by galactic stellar black holes, neutron stars or pulsars.
    Beam lengths may extend between several thousand, hundreds of thousands or millions of parsecs.
An astrophysical jet is an astronomical phenomenon where outflows of ionised matter are emitted as extended beams along the axis of rotation.
When this greatly accelerated matter in the beam approaches the speed of light, astrophysical jets become relativistic jets as they show effects from special relativity.,Most of the largest and most active jets are created by supermassive black holes (SMBH) in the centre of active galaxies such as quasars and radio galaxies or within galaxy clusters.,They likely arise from dynamic interactions within accretion disks, whose active processes are commonly connected with compact central objects such as black holes, neutron stars or pulsars.

Are astrophysical jets a boundary condition?

Since astrophysical jets comprise a huge range of scales and phenomena, practicality dictates that most studies of jets intentionally or inadvertently focus on one of these regimes, and even therein, one body of work may be simply boundary condition for another

Does magnetic field misalignment regulate astrophysical jet formation?

But the shape of those outflows, or astrophysical jets, vary depending on the magnetic field around them

In new experiments, a Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) scientist and international collaborators found that outflow /magnetic field misalignment is a plausible key process regulating jet formation

What are the physics of astrophysical jets?

The physics of astrophysical jets can be divided into three regimes: (i) engine and launch (ii) propagation and collimation, (iii) dissipation and particle acceleration

Jetstream over West Africa

?mi).The jet moves northward from its south-most location in January

Reaching its most northerly latitude in August.Its strongest winds are in September while it begins shifting back towards the equator.Within the easterly jet

Tropical waves form.Convective complexes associated with these waves can form tropical cyclones.If the jet is south of its normal location during August and September

Tropical cyclogenesis is suppressed.If desertification continues across Sub-Saharan Africa

The strength of the jet could increase

Although tropical wave generation probably would decrease

Which would decrease the number of tropical cyclones in the Atlantic basin.


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