Astrophysics victoria

Does Swinburne offer astronomy & astrophysics degrees?

At Swinburne, we offer astronomy and astrophysics degrees that will teach you astronomy at a beginner’s level, right through to understanding the cornerstones of space science, and provide you with the research and investigative skills to forge a successful career in this exciting field

You’ll have access to equipment that is second to none

Is Victoria University a good place to study astronomy?

The department has strong links with the nearby Herzberg Astronomy & Astrophysics (HAA) Research Centre making Victoria one of the largest concentrations of astronomers in Canada

20 HAA astronomers are currently adjunct members of the University and available for graduate supervision, leading to expanded opportunities for student research

What is astronomy physics cosmology group?

The Astronomy, Astrophysics, Cosmology Group is among the best in the country and very highly regarded internationally

It has a distinguished and energetic team of faculty members

American astronomer

Victoria Suzanne Meadows is a Professor with the Astronomy Department and Director of the Astrobiology Program at the University of Washington.She is also the Principal Investigator for the NASA Astrobiology Institute's Virtual Planetary Laboratory Lead Team and the chair of the NAI Focus Group on Habitability and Astronomical Biosignatures (HAB).The research direction of the team is to create computer models that can be used to understand planet formation

Stability and orbital evolution

And to simulate the environment and spectra of planets that can potentially be habitable.


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