Audiovisual communication salary

  • $42,500 is the 25th percentile.
    Salaries below this are outliers. $60,000 is the 75th percentile.
  • Arts Audio/Video Technology & Communications MyFuture Careers

    $42,500 is the 25th percentile.
    Salaries below this are outliers. $60,000 is the 75th percentile..

  • Audio Visual average salary in the USA, 2023 - Talentcom

    Director of Communications$146,547 /yrSenior Director of Communications$205,869 /yrVice President of Communications$165,468 /yr.

  • Audiovisual Communications Systems Technician Salary

    $42,500 is the 25th percentile.
    Salaries below this are outliers. $60,000 is the 75th percentile..

  • How much do AV techs make in the US?

    $42,500 is the 25th percentile.
    Salaries below this are outliers. $60,000 is the 75th percentile..

  • What does a audio visual specialist do?

    Audio visual production specialists install, monitor and maintain sound and video equipment, including speakers, microphones, video monitors and projection screens.
    These specialists are sometimes referred to as audio visual equipment technicians or audio video specialists..

  • What is the highest salary for a communications director?

    Most common benefits for Audio Visual Technicians

    401(k)401(k) matching.Dental insurance.Disability insurance.Employee assistance program.Flexible spending account.Health insurance.Life insurance..

  • What skills do you need for audio visual technician?

    Skills and knowledge

    to be thorough and pay attention to detail.the ability to accept criticism and work well under pressure.knowledge of audio-visual operating systems, hardware and software.the ability to work on your own.the ability to work well with your hands..

  • Broadly, individuals that work in the AV communications industry manufacture, sell, rent, design, install, integrate, operate and repair the equipment of audiovisual communications.
  • Some of the key skills required to become an audio visual technician include: Technical proficiency: Audio visual technicians must be proficient in the use of audio and visual equipment.
    This includes understanding how to set up and operate equipment, as well as troubleshooting technical issues.
  • The AUDIOVISUAL ASSISTANT aids in the provision of audiovisual services to faculty, students, and staff by delivering and setting up audiovisual equipment, assisting clients who are requesting audiovisual services, instructing in the use of equipment, cleaning and repairing film, and performing preventive maintenance
According to, the average salary for an Audio Visual Technician, which specialists fall into, is around $44,806 but can grow to as much as $71k a  ,The national average salary for an audiovisual communications technologies major graduate in the USA is $49,835 annually or $23.96 hourly.

Combien gagne un employé à un poste de audiovisuel ?

Le salaire moyen pour le poste de Audiovisuel est de €3 300 en France

Filtrez par ville pour voir les salaires pour le poste de Audiovisuel dans votre région

Nos estimations de salaires sont basées sur 3 salaires partagés anonymement sur Glassdoor par des employés occupant le poste de Audiovisuel

Combien gagne un producteur dans l’audiovisuel ?

Avec les années d’expérience, le producteur dans l’audiovisuel est un expert dans son domaine et peut gagner près de 6 500 euros bruts par mois (soit environ 5 000 euros nets par mois)

Cette haute rémunération va se justifier par l’entreprise pour laquelle il travaille, ainsi que ses responsabilités

Quel est le salaire d'un audiovisuel ?

Le salaire médian pour les emplois audiovisuel en France est € 30 000 par an ou € 16

,48 par heure

Les postes de niveau débutant commencent avec un salaire environnant € 25 000 par an, tandis que les travailleurs les plus expérimentés gagnent jusqu'à € 45 236 par an

Saviez-vous que ? Quel serait mon salaire après taxes?


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