Auditing definition scientology

What is a Scientology audit?

According to the Church of Scientology, "one formal definition of auditing is the action of asking a person a question (which he can understand and answer), getting an answer to that question and acknowledging him or her for that answer"

What is auditing?

Although the purely philosophical aspects of L

Ron Hubbard’s work are sufficient in themselves to elevate this civilization, only auditing provides a precise path by which any individual may walk an exact route to higher states of spiritual awareness

The goal of auditing is to restore beingness and ability

×Scientology auditing is a form of personal counseling that aims to improve one's spiritual awareness and confront one's own existence. It involves an auditor, who is a trained minister or minister-in-training of the Church of Scientology, asking questions to the person being audited, who is fully aware and responsive. Auditing follows a precise and codified sequence of procedures that handle the major barriers to achieving one's goals. Auditing may use an e-meter, a device that measures electrical changes in the skin, to help the auditor locate areas of spiritual distress or charge. Auditing may also include past-life recall, confessionals, and other techniques developed by the founder of Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard. Auditing is different from other forms of counseling because it does not use hypnosis, trance, or drugs. Auditing is influenced by some of the newer Shinto religions that also seek to heal the spirit. Auditing began in 1950 with the publication of Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health.
In Scientology

An implant is a form of thought insertion

Similar to an engram but done deliberately and with evil intent.It is an intentional installation of fixed ideas

Contra-survival to the thetan.

Auditing definition scientology
Auditing definition scientology

Scientology term

MEST is an acronym for matter


space and time

And means the physical universe.It was coined in 1950 by Scientology founder L.Ron Hubbard

And is spoken as a word rather than spelling out the letters.

The intersection of Scientology and abortion has a controversial history

The intersection of Scientology and abortion has a controversial history

Views and policies of Scientology on abortion

The intersection of Scientology and abortion has a controversial history which began with Scientology founder L.Ron Hubbard's discussion of abortion in his 1950 book Dianetics:

The Modern Science of Mental Health.Hubbard wrote in Dianetics that abortion and attempts at abortion could cause trauma to the fetus and to the mother in both spiritual and physical ways.Scientologists came to believe that attempted abortions could cause traumatic experiences felt by the fetus

Which would later be remembered as memories referred to in Scientology as engrams.In the Scientology technique called Auditing

Scientologists are frequently queried regarding their sexual feelings and behaviors.These questions about Scientologists' sexual behavior are often posed to members during security checks

A specific form of auditing sessions where individuals are required to document their divergence from the organization's ethics.One of the questions asked in these security checks is

Have you ever been involved in an abortion?.

Since the founding of the Church of Scientology in 1954

Since the founding of the Church of Scientology in 1954

Since the founding of the Church of Scientology in 1954 by L.Ron Hubbard

The relationship between Scientology and psychiatry has been dominated by strong opposition by the organization against the medical specialty of psychiatry and of psychology with themes relating to this opposition occurring repeatedly throughout Scientology literature and doctrine.According to the Church of Scientology

Psychiatry has a long history of improper and abusive care.The group's views have been disputed


And condemned by experts in the medical and scientific community and have been a source of public controversy.

Scientology terminology consists of a complex assortment of jargon used by Scientologists in conjunction with the practice of Scientology and in their everyday lives.It is difficult if not impossible to understand Scientology without understanding its terminology the way Hubbard defines it.

The tax status of the Church of Scientology in

The tax status of the Church of Scientology in

History of status with IRS

The tax status of the Church of Scientology in the United States has been the subject of decades of controversy and litigation.Although the Church of Scientology was initially partially exempted by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) from paying federal income tax

Its two principal entities in the United States lost this exemption in 1957 and 1968.This action was taken because of concerns that church funds were being used for the private gain of its founder L.Ron Hubbard or due to an international psychiatric conspiracy against Scientology.


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