Auditing quiz 1

  • How do you audit a test?

    An auditor is looking for the truth.
    A guess, even if it is an educated guess, is not the truth.
    Therefore, do not guess your answer, unless you are asked to give an opinion; and then make clear that your answer is an opinion, not a statement of fact..

  • How to do auditing?

    Read on to learn more about making your first solo audit as productive and stress-free as possible:

    1Step #1: Identify the scope and purpose.
    2) Step #2: Determine the documentation you need — and how to get it.
    3) Step #3: Learn your client's financial workflow to create an audit trail.
    4) Step #4: Clearly communicate your results..

  • Is first year audit hard?

    As a first year associate, you'll be dealing with the easier audit areas like the cash section and searching for unrecorded liabilities testing.
    Essentially, your entry-level work environment will leave out any sections that don't require a lot of judgment..

  • What is the audit test for?

    Audit testing's primary goal is to examine and confirm the efficacy of a company's controls to record its financial transactions.
    It tests the financial accounts and finds any errors, omissions, or significant inaccuracies..

  • The average total fees paid by the S\&P 500—which includes audit fees, audit-related fees (assurance and related services), tax fees, and other fees—grew 3% in 2022 to $13.5 million, the highest amount seen over the past 20 years, according to Audit Analytics.
Rating 5.0 (6) MCQ what does an auditor do? provide guarantee on the ongoing viability of company provide an independent opinion on the financial report help management  ,a review of an organization's financial records performed to determine whether the organization is following specific procedures, rules, or regulations set 

What is an audit plan?

Audit Plan A structured representation of historical financial information, including the related notes

- Financial Statements The processes implemented and maintained by management to help the entity achieve its objectives

What is the purpose of auditing a company?

In attempts and is designed to verify the fair presentation of a company’s results of operations


It concentrates on seeking out aspects of operations in which waste would be reduced by the introduction of controls


It requires the constant review by internal auditors of the administrative controls as they relate to operations of the company

When is an auditor required to audit a finance function?

,when the finance function is outsourced to an outside party, and the auditor is required to audit the outside party’s work,c,hiring an agency to review the work of the management, in this case it is the auditor,d,none of the above,a,assurance providers reporting accurately the level of assurance being provided


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