Audit rounding

What is intentional rounding?

Correspondence to Professor Ruth Harris; ruth

,harris@kcl,ac,uk Introduction Intentional rounding (IR) is a structured process whereby nurses in hospitals carry out regular checks, usually hourly, with individual patients using a standardised protocol to address issues of positioning, pain, personal needs and placement of items

When should rounding be performed?

The general rule of thumb is to perform the rounding at a transactional level, and as late in the process as possible in order to minimize the potential cumulative impact the rounding might have

When calculations are being performed, rounding should only be applied to the final answer

Why is rounding important in accounting?

The primary rationale of rounding in accounting is to provide a more accurate assessment of a company’s financial state

However, if the rounding is done incorrectly it can result in an inaccurate assessment and presentation of a company’s financial state


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