Audit who pdf

How was the audit developed?

PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION I27 The AUDIT was developed on the basis of an extensive six-nation validation trial1, 2

Additional research has been conducted to evaluate its accuracy and utility in different settings, populations, and cultural groups10

What is a who audit report?

The report of the External Auditor on the audit of the financial statements and operations of the World Health Organization (WHO) is issued pursuant to Regulation XIV of the Financial Regulations of WHO and is transmitted through the Executive Board to the Seventy-fifth World Health Assembly

Who is the external auditor of who?

The Seventy-second World Health Assembly through resolution WHA72

11 (2019) appointed the Comptroller and Auditor General of India as the External Auditor of WHO for the four-year period 2020–2023

Regulations XIV of the Financial Regulations of WHO and the Appendix elaborate on the terms of reference governing the external audit


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How long to keep audit records
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Audits how long
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How long does an audit take to complete
How long does an audit last