What is e auditing

How does EDI affect audit & control?

EDI presents numerous audit and control implications

The auditor needs to understand how the entity conducts business using EDI and to adjust audit procedures accordingly

EDI creates a dependence on the trading partner's computer system, so its errors and security breaches might affect the client's system

What is auditing & why is it important?

What Is Auditing? Auditing is defined as the on-site verification activity, such as :,inspection or examination, of a process or quality system, to ensure compliance to requirements

An audit can apply to an entire organization or might be specific to a function, process, or production step

What is E-auditing & how does it work?

This follows similar procedures as a traditional audit but using electronic means to remotely perform the audit

E-auditing is also known as Remote Auditing

For any number of reasons, having an assessor physically inside your walls for an assessment can prove needless with certain types of audits

What is E-auditing & how does it work?

This follows similar procedures as a traditional audit but using electronic means to remotely perform the audit

E-auditing is also known as Remote Auditing

For any number of reasons, having an assessor physically inside your walls for an assessment can prove needless with certain types of audits


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