Aerodrome auditing and compliance

Do aerodrome operators need a compliance monitoring process?

Aerodrome Operators are required to establish an internal auditing process (compliance monitoring) as described in ADR


005 Management System, paragraph (b) (11) and the supporting AMC

CAA, through its aerodrome oversight programme, will seek to verify compliance with the applicable requirements’

How long does it take to audit an aerodrome?

Aerodromes shall audit their key processes, procedures and operations within 12 months

Afterwards, a full audit cycle shall not exceed 36 months

Personnel involved in compliance monitoring, including :,inspectors and auditors, shall be trained accordingly, and know the subject being audited

What are the duties of Dass/Aerodrome regulatory entity?

•Duties of DASS/Aerodrome Regulatory entity: , •Other safety functions such as :,assessing the results of aerodrome emergency exercises, any development projects for safety impact •Compliance and enforcement of applicable safety specifications

What is the aerodrome safety audit?

To be completed by the Aerodrome Safety Manager or senior representative of the Airside Operator for all accidents and incidents which would likely seriously endanger people, aircraft, vehicles, or equipment

Do aerodrome operators need a compliance monitoring process?

Aerodrome Operators are required to establish an internal auditing process (compliance monitoring) as described in ADR


005 Management System, paragraph (b) (11) and the supporting AMC

CAA, through its aerodrome oversight programme, will seek to verify compliance with the applicable requirements’

What is an aerodrome management system?

According to aerodrome regulations (ICAO, EASA, or others) one of the aims of a management system is to ensure compliance with all relevant and applicable legal requirements, technical rules and procedures

What is the audit schedule for aerodromes?

Accountable manager should ensure that sufficient resources are allocated for compliance monitoring

After issuance of a certificate, an audit schedule shall be defined

Aerodromes shall audit their key processes, procedures and operations within 12 months

Afterwards, a full audit cycle shall not exceed 36 months


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