Biography writing ks3

How do you understand the features of a biography?

To understand the features of biographies and to try writing a short biography of your own

A biography is a non-fiction story about someone's life

Biographies are true stories, based on fact, so biographers (the people who write biographies) have to do a lot of research

How to write a biography for a class?

This biography writing checklist is a handy tool that your class can use while writing and delving into the history of their subject

It lists all the features that they will need to include in the biographical account

The featured person of a class biography should be a positive role model and someone who has lived a full and interesting life

Why should a child write a biography?

They are non-fiction descriptions of the subject's life that include factual details as well as personal stories

Writing a biography is a great way for children to learn information about the lives of others, and gain important knowledge about historical and celebrated figures, or even members of their own family


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