Biography writing prompts

How many memory prompts do I need to write a biography?

Hopefully writing your biography just got a little easier and these prompts have got your brains in gear, recalling all sorts of different memories from your childhood all the way through to just yesterday! Remember to download the full list for all 65 questions to jog your memory

Download the full list of 65 Memory Prompts!

How should a student respond to a biography?

Vocabulary is generally appropriate for the audience and purpose

The style is generally appropriate for the audience and purpose

Student response is uneven with a cursory elaboration of the support/evidence in the biography that includes the uneven or limited use of source material

How to write a good biography?

Editing and proofreading are vital elements of the writing process

Thoroughly reviewing your biography ensures that the writing is clear, concise, and free of errors

You can even request feedback from someone else to ensure that it is engaging and well-written

Finally, including a bibliography at the end of your biography is essential

Biography writing prompts
Biography writing prompts

2005 editorial controversy on Wikipedia

In May 2005, an unregistered editor posted a hoax article onto Wikipedia about journalist John Seigenthaler.
The article falsely stated that Seigenthaler had been a suspect in the assassinations of U.S.
President John F.
Kennedy and U.S.
Attorney General Robert F.
In May 2005

In May 2005

2005 editorial controversy on Wikipedia

In May 2005, an unregistered editor posted a hoax article onto Wikipedia about journalist John Seigenthaler.
The article falsely stated that Seigenthaler had been a suspect in the assassinations of U.
President John F.
Kennedy and U.
Attorney General Robert F.


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