Writing book basketball

What is the best basketball book?

Penned by legendary trainer Tim Grover, Relentless is perhaps the best basketball book for people looking to specifically get better at the game

The pages are absolutely packed with different tips (both mental and physical) to take your game to the next level

There’s a lot of honesty in the book, and can be blunt at times

Who invented basketball?

The most obvious place to start was with the founding text by James Naismith, who invented the game in 1891 with two peach half-bushel baskets

Part basketball bible – outlining the game's rules and purpose – and part autobiography, the book is essential for aspiring historians of the game

Why should you read a book about basketball?

Basketball is a huge industry and many people will derive motivation on the fact that being successful in basketball translates to huge monetary gain

Basketball coaches and their techniques are also very inspiring and motivating to read

Writing book basketball
Writing book basketball

2009 book by Bill Simmons

The Book of Basketball: The NBA According to the Sports Guy is the second book by former ESPN columnist Bill Simmons.
Published in 2009, it covers the history of the National Basketball Association (NBA).
In 2019, Simmons launched a sequel podcast series, Book of Basketball 2.0, which analyzes the evolution of the league since the book was published.
The Book of Basketball: The NBA According to the Sports Guy

The Book of Basketball: The NBA According to the Sports Guy

2009 book by Bill Simmons

The Book of Basketball: The NBA According to the Sports Guy is the second book by former ESPN columnist Bill Simmons.
Published in 2009, it covers the history of the National Basketball Association (NBA).
In 2019, Simmons launched a sequel podcast series, Book of Basketball 2.0, which analyzes the evolution of the league since the book was published.


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