Norms in aviation examples

What is a typical norm?

In our industry, a typical norm might include not following published procedures or industry standards in order to save time

The consequences can be catastrophic

Norms are an accepted behavior or procedure that if we are not aware of the consequences, can be very dangerous to the individual or detrimental to the aircraft

What is an example of a killer norm?

The consequences can be catastrophic

Norms are an accepted behavior or procedure that if we are not aware of the consequences, can be very dangerous to the individual or detrimental to the aircraft

A classic example of a killer norm was the norm of changing engines on a DC10 with a forklift

Norms in aviation examples
Norms in aviation examples

Institutional corruption in the United States of America

Corruption in the United States is the act of government officials abusing their political powers for private gain, typically through bribery or other methods, in the United States government.
Corruption in the United States has been a perennial political issue, peaking in the Jacksonian era and the Gilded Age before declining with the reforms of the Progressive Era.
Corruption in the United States is the act of

Corruption in the United States is the act of

Institutional corruption in the United States of America

Corruption in the United States is the act of government officials abusing their political powers for private gain, typically through bribery or other methods, in the United States government.
Corruption in the United States has been a perennial political issue, peaking in the Jacksonian era and the Gilded Age before declining with the reforms of the Progressive Era.


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