Aviation what is qnh

What does QNH mean?

QNH = The pressure measured at station then reduced down to mean sea level pressure

When set on your altimeter it will read your ALTITUDE

Sat on the tarmac at your airfield the altimeter will display the airfields elevation above mean sea level

This is the most commonly used pressure setting in the commercial world

What is airfield QNH?

QNH - The pressure set on the subscale of the altimeter so that the instrument indicates its height above sea level

The altimeter will read runway elevation when the aircraft is on the runway

Airfield QNH is obtained by correcting a measured QFE to sea level using ISA regardless of the temperature structure of the atmosphere

What is QNH & altitude?

QNH and Altitude

The QNH in aviation is the Pressure at the Mean Sea Level, it varies quite often as the pressure in the Atmosphere changes constantly

It is important to know what is the QNH of the area where you are flying because you need to set it on your Altimeter in order to read and fly Altitudes

×Barometric altimeter settingQNH is a barometric altimeter setting that causes an altimeter to read airfield elevation above mean sea level when on the airfield. It is the pressure value measured at a location and reduced down to mean sea level. When an aircraft sets QNH value on altimeter while a taxi movement at an aerodrome, then it will show the aerodrome elevation above mean sea level. QNH is the widely used pressure settings in global aviation world. It is important to know the QNH of the area where you are flying because you need to set it on your Altimeter in order to read and fly Altitudes.


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