Types of aviation degrees

What are the different types of aviation degrees?

There are different levels of aviation degrees, from two-year associate degree programs to high-level doctoral programs

The different levels of degrees can prepare students to enter different kinds of aviation careers, and they may focus on a unique area or specialty

In general, some topics covered in an aviation degree program may include:

×Types of aviation degrees include:
  • Associate degree in aviation: provides a foundation of knowledge in the principles of aviation and aeronautics.
  • Bachelor's degree in aviation: provides a comprehensive education in aeronautics, and may offer opportunities for students to specialize in aviation.
  • Master's degree in aviation.
  • Doctorate in aviation.
  • Bachelor of Science in physics: studying physics can teach you about thermodynamics and aerodynamics.
  • Bachelor of Science in aviation maintenance.
  • Bachelor of Science in aviation management.
  • Bachelor of Science in aeronautics.
  • Bachelor of Science in air traffic management.
  • Bachelor of Science in aviation technology.
  • Bachelor of Science in computer science.
,Though all of these programs will ensure you graduate an expert in aeronautics, each program varies in its emphasis and require…
Types of aviation degrees
Types of aviation degrees

Certification of an airplane pilot to fly a certain type of aircraft

A type rating is an authorization entered on or associated with a pilot license and forming part thereof, stating the pilot's privileges or limitations pertaining to certain aircraft type.
Such qualification requires additional training beyond the scope of the initial license and aircraft class training.
A type rating is an authorization entered on or associated with a

A type rating is an authorization entered on or associated with a

Certification of an airplane pilot to fly a certain type of aircraft

A type rating is an authorization entered on or associated with a pilot license and forming part thereof, stating the pilot's privileges or limitations pertaining to certain aircraft type.
Such qualification requires additional training beyond the scope of the initial license and aircraft class training.


Aviation rating
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