Aviation atis

What is an ATIS broadcast?

An important element of an ATIS broadcast is the designator (identifying code), which is a letter of the ICAO spelling alphabet

Designators assigned to consecutive ATIS are in alphabetical order

The pilot listens to the ATIS just prior initial contact and notes the code letter; on check-in, the pilot reports the code letter of the ATIS copied

What is automatic terminal information service (ATIS)?

ATIS information includes weather conditions and runway use, approach type, and approachable style

The ATIS system was developed to reduce the working load of air traffic controllers and reduce congestion of the radio frequency, especially the one used by the control tower

How is the Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS) used?

Type of aircraft

The Sky Atis is a Czech single-place paraglider, designed and produced by Sky Paragliders of Frýdlant nad Ostravicí.
It was introduced in 2003 and remained in production in 2016 as the Atis 4.

Type of aircraft

The Sky Atis is a Czech single-place paraglider, designed and produced by Sky Paragliders of Frýdlant nad Ostravicí.
It was introduced in 2003 and remained in production in 2016 as the Atis 4.


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